
Diabetes causes more deaths than AIDS and breast cancer combined as the 7th leading cause of death in the U.S. It is a real problem affecting our population, which is why understanding how to manage or prevent the disease altogether is so important. Diabetes is characterized by having high blood sugar levels. This is a result of the body being unable to move sugar into fat, liver, and muscle cells to be stored. Typically, this is a consequence of the pancreas not making enough insulin, or cells not responding to insulin normally. There are two major types of diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2, with Type 2 Diabetes being completely preventable.

Are You at Risk?

The American Diabetes Association recommends that diabetes prevention and/or management can be achieved by:

  • Eating healthy
  • Being physically active
  • Managing your weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar
  • Avoiding/quitting smoking

Visit www.diabetes.org to learn more, and take a Type 2 Diabetes Risk Quiz!

Healthy Recipe of the Month:

Baked French Toast Sticks with Orange-Maple Syrup

Click here for the full recipe! From wholefoods.com/recipes

Need more guidance when it comes to healthier food + meal choices? Need tips on menu planning + grocery shopping? Visit choosemyplate.gov!

Health Facts of the Month

Did You Know?
  • Diabetes is Lennar’s 3rd most prevalent condition.
  • The average cost per member per year for Diabetes management is $15,200.
  • The average cost per member per year without a chronic condition like Diabetes is $700.