As a Lennar Associate, we don’t just want you to have good health benefits. We want you to Be. All. In.
What does it mean to Be. All. In.? It means when it comes to your well-being, you are
Committed – Engaged – Proactive
Many of us have been taught to see well-being strictly as an indicator of physical health — like how well we can manage our diet or exercise. But well-being is so much more than that! Your overall well-being is determined by multiple factors that affect you as a person. They include not just the physical, but the emotional, environmental, financial, and social as well.
Be. COMMITTED – Commit to having the “All. In.” mentality when it comes to your well-being, and understand that your quality of life is determined by much more than just your pants size.
Be. ENGAGED. – Know what resources you have access to that can help you reach your well-being goals, and engage those resources in a way that works for you.
Be. PROACTIVE. – We want you to be the very best version of yourself. Well-being looks differently for each person because we are all different; and that is a wonderful truth. Proactively seek what well-being looks like for you, and go after it!