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Our Health. Our Future. Our Choice.<\/div>\n



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Your Health. Your Future. Your Choice.<\/div>\n

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Christi Kleeburg’s 2021 Weight Loss Journey<\/strong><\/p>\n


My weight loss journey began January 1, 2021 when I found out I needed to have all my Biometrics and measurements done for Insurance with Lennar … granted it was voluntary but if I did not do this I was going to be out an extra $75 per month for my Health Insurance.<\/p>\n

So, when I actually measured my waist and it said it was 38 inches, I decided right then and there that I would get started on this weight loss journey. I put the Free FitBit is ordered through Lennar on my wrist and I started to walk (I had also downloaded the WalkingSpree App through Lennar). I love the Challenges that come through this APP. Anyway, when I first started walking, I could hardly get 5,000 steps in a day (I was worn out). But I noticed at the end of the first week, my daily number of steps increased, and my lower back was not hurting me like it had been.<\/p>\n

I called a Doctor in our network and made an appointment, one month out, to have my screening done. I was hoping that I would have lost some inches and some real weight. At my doctor’s appointment I explained that why I was there and handed over the Sheet that had to be filled out and submitted to the Insurance Company with all my measurements and Biometrics. Well, I did not like most of the numbers. But I had in fact lost 15 pounds and 2 inches in my waist. I was hoping that the numbers would have been better but at least it was a start. My Blood Pressure, Diabetes and Cholesterol numbers were good. The doctor asked what I was doing, and I said I was walking about 17,000 steps (I had worked up to that amount on a consistent basis) per day and I was supplementing breakfast and dinner Monday- Friday with a Protein Shake. I also said I had finally been able to start doing some ab exercises and some hip and arm exercises. The Doctor then asked me if I was adding weights and doing any Aerobics of any kind. I promptly said not yet (I started the very next day though).<\/p>\n

I began getting up 1 hour earlier than I had been and doing some Aerobics, weights and my other exercises along with walking some … all this before I start work for the day (usually at 7:30 a.m.). I have even started to Jog a couple times a day (once in the morning and once in the evening … usually for 15-30 minutes). I walk 7 days a week and do the other exercises 5-6 days a week. I make myself walk for 10 minutes every hour (work week) and my entire lunch hour. When I stop working for the day (generally by 5:30 p.m.), I walk every hour for 30 minutes until around 8:30 or 9:00 p.m. On Saturday and Sunday, I walk for 30-45 minutes every hour. My daily step goal now is 23,000 steps per day (but I usually wind up with 35-45k steps per day). If I do not get at least the 23,000 steps I feel guilty … unless it is because I am with family. Yes, I do eat Lunch Monday through Friday and I eat sensible meals on the Weekends. I have learned that when you are eating and you take a deep breath, that is your body’s way of saying you are full. Just stop eating right then, push away.<\/p>\n

As of June 6, 2021, I am down 55 pounds from when I started and have lost 8 inches in my waist. I am a very happy lady. I have about 5-10 more pounds to go and then I will start maintaining. But if it had not been for the Biometrics Screening, I may not have taken up this weight loss journey. Thank you so much for giving me that incentive with this Screening. It has completely opened my eyes and made me healthier (and look better too) and feel better than I have in a very long time.<\/p>\n

Christi Kleeburg<\/strong>
Charelston, SC<\/p>\n

Christi, we\u2019re so thrilled with your accomplishments. Thank you for sharing your story with us!
Lennar Well-Being Max Team<\/i><\/i><\/p>\n

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Well-Being Resources<\/p>\n

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We have compiled a list of resources specifically designed to help you reach your Well-Being Max. You\u2019ll find resources for nutrition, exercise, chronic condition management, health coaching and more. Click here<\/a> for a link to our list.<\/p>\n

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Contact Information<\/p>\n

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